Undergraduate Student Success
Hello! As the Assistant Director of Undergraduate Student Success, I can help connect you with helpful resources on campus or coach you with issues you are facing. I am available to meet with you on campus or via phone during the week. Simply e-mail me at arrendell_tabitha@ahnfy.com to set up an appointment or call 585-594-6228.
What is the role of the Assistant Director of Undergraduate Student Success?
- Help students successfully cross the graduation stage at Roberts.
- Facilitate personal and academic growth for all undergraduate students with coaching, support and referrals to on-campus resources.
- Listen and respond to the interests and needs of undergraduate students at Roberts.
- Provide guidance, leadership, and support to the Redhawk Guide program.
- Facilitate Tips 4 Success workshop series for the college community.
The Student Success Scholarship was established by a combination of Board of Trustees funding and grants from various charitable foundations. These scholarships assist full-time, matriculated, traditional undergraduate students in good academic standing at Roberts Wesleyan University. The purpose of the scholarship is to address crisis situations and unexpected financial hardships that may otherwise force students to delay or withdraw from their studies. Click here for more information.
Tips 4 Success
When adopting a daily wellness lifestyle, focus on creating a routine that makes it easy to stay o...(Read More)
Welcome, freshmen of Roberts Wesleyan University! As you step into this new phase of life, we've go...(Read More)
On-Campus Resources
- The Learning Center promotes academic growth through tutoring groups and strategies that improve studying, organization, critical thinking, writing, and a host of other skills useful for academic success.
- Career Development empowers students by connecting them with the resources in finding gainful employment.
- The Counseling Center will provide confidential counseling to help with personal issues.
- Tips 4 Success Workshop Series, Wednesdays, 12:00 - 12:50 p.m. Open to ALL students! Join the weekly Zoom meeting. Meeting ID: 940 1509 0162 | Passcode: punjO8VMV7